The Best Sunshine Coast Mental Health Care

The Best Sunshine Coast Mental Health Care, Maroochydore, QLD



Your mental health is an important part of your daily life as it affects your physical health. Hence, it is important to understand, recognize, and analyze your psychological functions. If you are looking for the best Sunshine Coast mental health care in Maroochydore, QLD, there are several options available to you.

One of the best local options around you in Queensland, Australia, is Integrative Clinical Psychology (ICP). We offer holistic care for improving your mental wellbeing. We have come a long way in helping to dismantle the stigma around mental health talks. You can take the next step towards improving your health.

Do you want to know more about all the services we offer at ICP? This post takes you through our available services. It also provides details of treatment plans, costs, a brief introduction to our experts, and many more.

What Mental Health Care Services are Available in Sunshine Coast Maroochydore, QLD?

We offer a wide range of services through the specializations of our therapists, psychologists, and clinicians. These services include:

  • Clinical Psychology
  • General Psychology
  • Accredited Mental Health Care
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Mental Health Counselling

Our services also include some government-related referrals and funded services. If you are eligible for any of these services, you can contact us and book an assessment session. They are:

NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

The NDIS is a government-funded program that provides support to Australians with a permanent or significant disability. The NDIS provides funding for a range of services, including psychological therapy, to help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life. Eligible individuals can enjoy the best Sunshine Coast mental health care in Maroochydore, QLD to cope with disability.

Who is Eligible for NDIS in Maroochydore, QLD?

Individuals can enjoy these services if they are eligible. Here are the criteria or eligibility clauses:

Must be an individual between the ages of 5 and 65. (If you have a child under age 9 or you're an adult over age 65, there are other care plans with possible eligibility.)

  • Must be a permanent resident or a citizen of Australia.
  • Eligibility also covers people with a Protected Special Category Visa.
  • The individual must be living in Australia
  • The individual must have a disability caused by permanent impairment.

DVA (Department of Veterans Affairs)

The DVA is a support program by the Australian government. It is for those who serve or who have served in defense of the nation. One of the care package for these veterans is the mental health care program. However, note that there are eligibility clauses for this support program.

Who is Eligible for DVA mental health care in Sunshine Coast?

To be eligible for DVA mental health support in Sunshine Coast, Individuals must be:

  • Veteran who is currently serving as part of the Australian Defense Force (ADF)
  • Veteran who is a former serving member of the ADF
  • Family member, spouse, or children of the Veteran
  • Widow or widower of a veteran.

Workcover QLD

The Workcover QLD is a government program that is self-funded. The role of the establishment is to provide care for workers. It also helps to compensate workers in Queensland if they suffer from work related injuries. This program also offers mental health care through referrals for its members.

Who is eligible for Workcover QLD Mental Health Care?

  • Individuals can be eligible if they have the following.
  • Must be a worker or an employer in Queensland.
  • Must have suffered from or incurred work-related injury
  • Must make a claim for compensation and eligibility

Prospective Workcover patients who have become ill or injured due to work-related experience can also benefit from our mental health care plans.

Which Mental Health Disorders Does ICP treat in Sunshine Coast Maroochydore, QLD?

We offer treatment care and plan for many types of mental health challenges. The various option and comprehensive care plan are why ICP is one the best psychology company in Maroochydore. Below are just a sample of the presentations we treat:

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Depression (Mood Disorder)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Stress
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Trauma

How Much Does It Cost to See a Psychologist in Queensland, Australia?

The cost of mental health services in Sunshine Coast, QLD, varies depending on certain parameters. These parameters include the type and choice of care and the type of psychologist you choose. Our cost plan at Integrative Clinical Psychology (ICP) is affordable and reasonable. The goal is to allow you to focus on your care plan and gain maximally. Here are the exact figures for our services at ICP

  • Clinical Psychologist: A 50-minute session with our clinical psychologist, Dinusha Cragg, in Sunshine Coast QLD, costs $220.
  • General Psychologist: If you are opting for this option. You can still enjoy the services of Kristie Robl or Rose Arbour, our general psychologist in Sunshine Coast, QLD, for $180 per session.
  • Accredited Mental Health Social Worker: A standard consultation session with an AMH social worker costs $170. This team includes our senior AMH social workers, Nelson Ruggeri and Diane Violi.
  • Clinical Hypnotherapist: Enjoy specialized hypnotherapy sessions with Adrian King for $130 per session.
  • Mental Health Counsellor: Enjoy a session with our best mental health therapist in Shona King in the Sunshine Coast region. It cost $110.

With these fees, you can enjoy the services of affordable psychologists on the Sunshine Coast. They are affordable, but more importantly, they have the expertise to improve your mental health. Note that the fees are per Australian Psychology Society guidelines. It also reflects our clinicians' expertise, experience, and qualifications.

Your First Visit to Sunshine Coast Mental Health Care, Maroochydore QLD

It is often difficult to know what to expect on your first visit. This feeling is normal, and you are not alone. Hence, our professional mental health services in the Sunshine Coast focus on giving you a calming start. To ensure you have that memorable first experience, here are things to note on your first visit.

  • No Need for Preparation: Your first visit is often a simple and open conversation with our team. There is no need for any form of preparation.
  • Arrive Early to Complete the Paperwork: Coming early allows you to fill necessary paperwork and relax while waiting. It also allows us to know if you are eligible for rebates. Win for all.
  • Meeting Your Psychologist: Your psychologist introduces general questions and simple discussion. The session lasts 50 minutes.
  • Treatment Plan Recommendation: Your psychologist will recommend a treatment plan after the session that includes treatment plan and frequency.

Enjoy Mental Health Care at ICP

If you looking to enjoy the best Sunshine Coast mental health care, Maroochydore, QLD, Integrative Cognitive Psychology is an excellent option. We are available to care for any of your referral services with our team of the best psychologists on the Sunshine Coast. Our support team is ready to help you achieve a life of improved mental health. For an immediate care plan or consultation, call us at (07) 5370 8858 at or contact us to book an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How can I access holistic therapy and counseling in Maroochydore, QLD?

Answer: Our elite services at ICP are options for you to consider in your search for proper mental health care. However another point of contact for public mental health services is the 1300 MH CALL (1300 642255). It is a confidential service that can help direct individuals. You can also check out the various not for profit mental care services in your local area.

Question: Is mental health care free in Maroochydore, QLD?

Answer: No. However some government funded programs enable you to see a psychologist from a public hospital or community center. Both state and federal governments fund these services. However, there is a fee when visiting a private psychologist and the Australian Psychology Society helps to regulate the prices. The indicated prices at ICP reflect the standard set by this regulatory body.

Question: Do I need a referral to see a Psychologist in Sunshine Coast?

Answer: No, you do not need a referral to see a psychologist or therapist. You can book a session directly or contact our ICP Practice for assistance. However your GP can refer you for psychological support via a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP), which will enable you to receive a rebate from Medicare for up to 10 sessions per calendar year.